A picture of Sam Sandhu



A computer science student aspiring to be a back-end programmer. Recently graduating with a bachelors of science, I decided that I wanted to pursure my own interest of creating. Upon taking a few programming courses, I discovered a love for the various languages and unlimited creations possible through coding.

a little


I am an aspiring programmer with a molecular biology background where I learned to perform various experimental methods such as PCR, ELISA, and gel electrophoresis among others. I am currently pursuing a degree in computing science at Simon Fraser University. Throughout my first degree I wondered about the limitless possibilities of code and it peaked my interest with how creative I could become. I began my programming journey using an Arduino and breadboard, designing small projects like games and motion sensors. My love continued when I took my first programming class in university, getting familiar with Python. Now with a return to school, I have finally taken steps to pursue this change full time. Full of enthusiasm I challenge any project to hold me as I travel this new endless adventure.

look at


  • HTML

  • CSS


  • C++

  • C

  • C#

  • LaTeX

  • R

  • Arduino

  • Microsoft

  • mySQL


  • GitHub

  • CPR

  • Swift

take a look at my


MEMORY game schematic

Memory Game

Technologies Used: Arduino,C++,TINKERCAD

  • Randomized sequences with lights and sounds
  • Each progressive level adds a new colour that must be pressed in the same order
  • Level pass/fail sounds with differing notes to create emotion through tones
  • Use of breadboard and Arduino R3 + components
Webpage homescreen Flavioti Jerino

Poem Showcase/Legacy

Technologies Used: HTML,CSS

  • Display each poem on its own page
  • Worked with owner to devise colouring/layout
  • Embedded pictures and audiofiles
UDP simple talk snippet

UDP Two-Way Talk

Technologies Used: HTML,CSSNodeJSC

  • Implement UDP to create a two way talk using port numbers
  • Use of threads and sockets to receive, process, send, and display messages
  • IP address resolved using netdb.h
Facial recognition software that draws a circle around the face

Facial Recognition

Technologies Used: C++,CMakeopenCV2

  • Make use of the openCV2 framework's AI implementation
  • Use libraries that can effectively recognize faces
  • Can make use of a pre-installed video or a webcam/external camera
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